Click on a community to see more details
Community of | Com Rel | Sel Rel | Members |
Member | Sel Rel |
Given a group of respondents (All, a Classroom...) and a given relationship question, we build their Network and calculate their community structure.
Each community contains a number of people, and we label it with the name of the highest-ranking person in the community.
The set of identified communities is shown here, with a pie chart indicating the total number of relationships for each community.
A list of the communities is also shown indicating:
Finally, by clicking on each community, all the nodes that compose it are shown, and the number of weighted relationships for each one of them.
Name | Classroom | Positive IN relationships | Positive OUT relationships | Negative IN relationships | Negative OUT relationships | Centrality | Relevance | Popularity | Unpopularity | Relationships | Trend |
For the selected set we show a statistical and sociological summary of the responses
The fields shown are:
All of the above data can be downloaded to a PDF or CSV file.
When a Listing question is created on the test (whether it is conditional or not), and its answer type is "Relationships",
it means that a student will indicate his or her
relationship with other students.
Suppose that we ask students to tell us who are their friends at classroom. The student will mark one or more classmates.
Therefore, we can generate a relationship graph, where each student is represented by a node, and build a relationship from A to B if A indicated that B is a friend. In this way, we have a directed network, with nodes and tipped arrows between them.
Showing several students (for example, a classroom) and every relationship between them, we will obtain a Graph or Complex Network, which will visualize their relationships structure.
Once this Network is built we can apply Complex Network Theory in order to obtain more information. Next, we point out the main aspects of our analysis.
By default, when the network is drawn, it is as follows:
These default values can be changed in "Modifiers".
By default, only positive relationships are considered in a network. However, people can mark negative
negative relationships with other people, and thus influence the social network.
When a person A is friends with two people B and C, and B hates C, it is considered that B weakens the friendship between A and C by being friends with A and hating C.
When the negative mode is activated, negative relationships are displayed in the network (always in red) and communities change due to the weakening between nodes, both their position and their members. This change can be
visualized through the corresponding button.
The actions of each interface button are shown below:
Modal body text goes here.